Why should you bother setting goals? How can writing down what you want on paper make any difference to your life? Well, if you’re someone who asks questions like that, then this article is for you. Here are 7 key benefits of goal setting:
1. Create A Sense of Purpose
Everyone needs a sense of purpose in their lives. And setting goals is a great way to identify your purpose. As the saying goes, if you don’t know where you’re going, then you’ll end up somewhere else.
2. Control Your Future
Without goals, your life can feel like a boat that’s floating aimlessly down a river. You don’t know where you’re going. Setting goals, is like getting paddles for your boat. You now have some control over which way you go and how you get there.
3. Focus On What’s Important
When people don’t set clear goals, they often feel overwhelmed. There always seems to be too much to do and not enough time. When you set goals, you start to focus on what’s really important in your life and everything else starts to become less important.
4. Increase Your Motivation
When you write down goals, they start to feel real. And over time you’ll start to believe that you can accomplish those goals. This will fuel your desire, passion and motivation to achieve your goals.
5. Get Faster Results
Once you have clear written goals, your mind starts to focus more on how to achieve those goals. Instead of just hoping that you’ll do something someday, you start to take daily progress towards your goals. Even the smallest actions on a daily basis, add up to big results over a year.
6. Make Better Use Of Time
Without clear goals, it’s often very difficult to manage your time and juggle competing priorities. But when you write down your goals, you start to prioritize working on your goals above other activities such as watching television.
7. Be More Positive
Having compelling goals also makes you more positive. You have a sense of purpose, you’re controlling your future, you’re focusing on what’s important, you’re more motivated, you’re starting to see results and you’re making better use of your time. All those things add up and help to build a more positive attitude which drives even more success.
So grab a notepad and pen. Make a list of your goals today. And then identify one action, no matter how small, that you can take immediately. Then commit to taking one small action every single day. Do that consistently for a few months, and you’ll be one telling others about the benefits of goal setting.